First Steps

Once you’ve built the software and flashed your device you’re ready to connect to and configure otb-iot.


otb-iot devices that aren’t yet configured expose a WiFi Access Point (AP) and captive portal to enable the user to provide the minimal configuration required to get up and running.

Open the WiFi settings on a phone or computer and look for an access point with the named otb-iot.xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is unique to your device. (xxxxxx is the chip ID of your ESP8266.)

Connect to the AP and your device should automatically open up a browser window containing captive portal. If this doesn’t happen, open a browser and navigate to

In the window that appears enter the following information:

  • SSID of an available WiFi AP to connect to
  • Password for the WiFi services
  • IP address of your MQTT server (look here for help on setting this up)

When you press Submit the otb-iot device will reset, and attempt to connect to the WiFi AP and MQTT server you have specified. If this succeeds it will send a message to the MQTT server using topic:


Where xxxxxx again is your ESP8266’s chipid.

If the otb-iot device fails to connect it will continue exposing its own AP to allow you to correct any configuration errors


Depending on your persuasion, the first thing you may chose to do after flashing your device is connect to the serial port and review logs. See serial for how to do this.

Next Steps

Now your otb-iot device is connected send it a message to check it’s working. Send the following MQTT topic and message:

/otb-iot/xxxxxx trigger/ping

With mosquitto and a local MQTT server you’d run the following command:

In one terminal, monitor messages from the MQTT broker:

mosquitt_sub -v -t /otb-iot/#

And in another:

mosquitto_pub -t /otb-iot/xxxxxx trigger/ping

You should receive:

/otb-iot/xxxxxx ok:pong

in response.

Your now ready to try some more advanced stuff - head over to mqtt for more on the supported MQTT commands.